Wingsify and Cafe No Label - The Perfect Pair You Need in Your Life Right Now!


Yeah, that's right! Let your mouth water at the sight of these gorgeous chicken wings. 🤤 But wait until you've tasted it. You'll never realize how much you needed it in your life right now until they've touched your palate. That's exactly how we felt when we had them. My son even exclaimed, "This is the food we deserve!" It sounds like an exaggeration, but it's true. These wings are surprisingly delicious. It's not that I haven't tried flavored chicken wings before. I even cook them myself now and then. But Wingsify's flavored chicken wings have magic! Pair it with Cafe No Label's Milk tea or Iced coffee, and you'll be in cloud 9, seriously! Read on to find out more about it.

Wingsify and Café No Label is a twin business founded by sisters Shiela Marie and Katherine Mae Alarcon in 2020. Unfortunately, they had to close down during the lockdown just a few months after they opened it. They reopened it early this year, and it's now creating hype over the internet that Shiela had to leave her office job, so she and her sister can focus on the restaurant. I know Shiela personally as we used to work together. It makes me proud that she is already a successful entrepreneur at a very young age. But that doesn't mean my review of their products will be biased, and she knows that. 😜

So, here are my individual reviews of the flavors she sent me.

Salted egg

You can never go wrong with salted eggs. Never! But to flavor chicken wings with it? That’s a different story. But is it, really? The wings were fully coated with generous layers of salted eggs that you’ll be confused about whether those are wings you’re eating or salted eggs. The flavors combined well together that by your last bite, you’ll say, “yeah, that’s salted egg flavored chicken wings.”


This one’s easy to tell even when you eat it with your eyes closed. The sweet and salty taste fighting against each other on your tongue, and eventually decided to be friends because they bring out the best in each other. Wingsify’s teriyaki chicken wings are just the right blend of ingredients, and the taste of soy sauce doesn’t overpower the rest. Deliscioso!

Cheesy Garlic parmesan

It’s one of the more famous flavors of chicken wings, so I tried doing some before, but I just couldn’t seem to get the right formula. Wingsify got it perfectly, with a flood of garlic and parmesan sauce on top, you’ll have to dig to see the wings, and that’s what makes this flavor magical!

Spicy garlic butter

Wingsify serves these wings coated with spicy garlic- butter sauce sprinkled with some chili flakes. But don’t be intimated by it if you’re not much of a spicy food eater like me. It’s bearable, but spicy eaters would love it.


If you love Mexican foods, you’ll love this one, too. What’s not to love with the spicy explosion of jalapeno and habanero peppers combined with some secret sweet and spicy sriracha sauce? What I liked most about Wingsify’s atomic wings is that it’s not super spicy. Just enough to wake your senses, but not to give you a headache.

Garlic Mayo

Ahh! Garlic Mayo is my all-time favorite. Wingsify serves it with the sauce on a separate container so you can enjoy the best of both worlds – the crispiness of the wings and the succulence of the heavenly garlic and mayonnaise sauce. To die for!

Cream Cheese Milk Tea

Shiela sent me one of Café No Labels’ best-selling milk teas – cream cheese. I try to avoid milk teas as much as I could because of the sugar content. But this one is loaded with cream cheese that it was so hard for me to resist it. Only one word to describe it - perfect!

Caramel Macchiato Iced Coffee

Of course, a café is not a café without some coffee specialties, and Café No Label is undoubtedly giving the popular brands a threat right now. Did I say that I’m a coffee addict (see my review of Mrs. Beans)? Well, yes, I am, so I’m not easy to please when it comes to coffee. But this one satisfied me completely. It was refreshing and invigorating at the same time. Of course, it’s not at the level of Starbucks or other more popular brands yet. But in the future, it may very well become one to give them a run for their money.

Now, go ahead and let your eyes feast on these babies!

Wrapping up

I have every reason to be proud of Shiela. She’s young, talented, and highly skilled. All these combined with excellent products are the formula to success. But again, don’t just take my word for it. Try it yourself to prove it.

For orders, contact them directly on their pages or leave a comment here, and I’ll pass your orders to them. You can also visit their restaurant at:

Doña Concepcion Bldg., 514 A. Mabini Street, Caloocan City (Beside Floresco / Animal Wonders)


Cafe' No Label

Disclaimer: This is not a paid advertisement. My reviews are unbiased and based on my own experience. If I didn’t find anything negative about the product, it’s because there wasn’t any.


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