5 Reasons Why You Should Try Maknae Kimchi Right Now!


Let's cut the crap and get straight to the point. We're all crazy about kimchi, right? That super tasty side dish that's full of umami flavor seems to be on everyone's table these days. Thanks to K-Pop sensations, such as BTS, Twice, Lee Min Ho (of course πŸ’“), and more. Kimchi has become part of our culture now and must be among the country's most popular foreign food products of this decade.

But the origin of Kimchi dated as far back as the 1st century BC to the 7th century AD in Korea. People there have long been preserving their foods to have continuous supplies even during the harsh winter months. So, when the first cabbage came to Korea around 2030 BC, Korean families learned to ferment them for preservation. By the 16th century, the first species of chilis arrived in the country. They’ve added it to the kimchi ingredients, and voila!☝ The recipe that we know today was born.

But more than just being popular and associated with your K-Pop idols, kimchi has recently been hailed as one of the world’s five healthiest foods and I found the perfect brand that you should try right now – Maknae.

Read on to find out why.

1.   The ingredients are of high quality

The taste of kimchi always depends on the quality of the ingredients. While it’s true that there’s an over-abundance of kimchi brands in the market today, Maknae uses only the freshest ingredients. Its main ingredient is Napa cabbage (pechay Baguio), and Maknae only accepts fresh and organic harvest from its supplier.

2.   It’s full of probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria that promote a healthy digestive system. Maknae goes through a long process of fermentation, resulting in a significant amount of probiotics. You’ll know it’s well-fermented kimchi when a 200g serving helps you in proper digestion and regular movements. So, people who are having trouble with their digestive system must really try Maknae Kimchi right now!

3.   It will help you lose weight

Ahhh! You’ve been waiting for this, aren’t you? 😁Yes, you read it right – Maknae Kimchi can help you shed some unwanted pounds because it’s high in fiber. As you may know (or not), fiber gives you the full feeling, so a few grams of Maknae Kimchi can actually keep you from being hungry for long periods. Plus, it’s also low on fat and calories, so you can eat as much as you want without getting fat. Not to forget, the heat from the fresh chilis in Maknae is more than enough to promote great metabolism, essentially melting unwanted fats. Nice, huh?

4.   It’s packed with vitamins

If you make Maknae Kimchi part of your diet right now, you can say goodbye to vitamin supplements because it’s packed with Vitamin A, C, and B vitamins, plus, enzymes to help boost your blood flow, digestion, and vision.

5.   It’s super delicious

Of all the kimchi brands I’ve tried, Maknae is the only one that suits my taste perfectly. While I don’t really eat spicy food quite a lot, making it part of my daily diet has improved my health significantly. It somehow helps lower my blood sugar level and improves my digestive system and movements. It’s pretty versatile, too, as you can add it as an ingredient to many different recipes, such as kimchi fried rice and kimchi dumplings. Check their page for some recipes.

Wrap up

I’ve changed the format of my food review for this one because I’ve felt a strong urge to let everyone know the health benefits of kimchi. But you have to ensure that you’re buying only high-quality kimchi like Maknae. Place your order directly on their page and give it a try right now!

Maknae Kimchi on Facebook

Disclaimer: This is not a paid advertisement. My reviews are unbiased and based on my own experience. If I didn’t find anything negative about the product, it’s because there wasn’t any.

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