Mrs. Beans is Here! The Coffee to Give Popular Brands a Run for their Money.


Yes! That's right! Savor the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee traveling through your senses and waking up every sleeping nerve in your body. Coffee lovers can relate! 🙋🙋🙋

But lo and behold! Not all types of coffee can give you the same effect. But before we get into that, here's a couple of trivia for you:

Did you know that the Philippines ranks 32 in the world's top coffee producers, and Lipa City is the coffee capital of the Philippines? 😳

So, if you've been drinking coffee all your life and can call yourself a coffee connoisseur, you'll know if it's genuine kapeng barako from Lipa, right? Because I do. I knew right off the bat that Mrs. Beans was not kidding when she said her coffee is 100% legit! It's the pure barako taste I've been looking for all those years, and I'm glad I finally found it.

Yeah, yeah, I know you'll probably say that all coffees taste the same. Wrong! I'm not talking about instant coffees because, obviously, they all come in different variations, regardless of the brand. I mean brewed coffees. Trust me; they differ in many ways. I've switched from instant coffee to brewed since I became a diabetic. I'm a loyalist of Excelsa for years.

But Mrs. Beans made me change my perspective. You see, for me to be able to buy my coffee supply, I have to go to the supermarket, and the nearest one to my home is about six to seven kilometers away. Since I don't always have the time to go out, my only option is to order online. Shopee, of course! 😂

The first thing that caught my attention about Mrs. Beans was that it didn't have any shipping fee. But it saddened me a bit when it didn't have Excelsa. Then again, the free shipping was hard to resist, so I said, what the heck! 😁 I placed my order for two pouches of barako and received it just two days later! Fantastic speed, I must say! 👏

The taste did not disappoint me at all. It doesn't have the mysterious, tart, and fruity taste of Excelsa, but it does have the nutty, somewhat smoky taste of an authentic Lipa Barako Coffee. So, yes! It has that effect that can wake every sleeping nerve of your body with the aroma alone. I guess, I just found my new coffee flavor. 😍

Mrs. Beans does offer other coffee variations, such as Sagada, Kalinga, and other beverages. It's affordable, and it's free shipping forever. Check her shop here:

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