The Ruby Pantry Vegan Pastas - All You Need for a Healthy Diet


According to the latest statistics, approximately 4 million Filipinos have diabetes, I included. If you don’t have diabetes, good for you. I know firsthand how difficult it is to find the types of food that won’t negatively affect my blood sugar level. For us, diabetics, a healthy diet means very low on sugar and carbohydrates. I can avoid sugary foods and drinks, such as cakes and ice cream because I don’t really have a sweet tooth. But carbohydrates? Man, that’s so hard to avoid! πŸ˜’

The Philippines is known for being a rice-eating country, and rice is loaded with carbohydrates, so if you have diabetes, you know you have to cut down on your consumption. But there isn’t seem to be an alternative available in the Philippine market that can make you equally full like rice does. Even pastas are full of carbohydrates, too. It’s considered one of the worst enemies of diabetics. How difficult is that?

But lo and behold! With drum rolls, I present to you – The Ruby Pantry. Founded in 2019 by Ruby Joan Teves, it’s the first to introduce the all-vegan kinds of pasta in the Philippines. As someone with diabetes, too, she wanted to overcome the challenges of finding the types of foods perfect for people suffering from this disease in the country.

So, she formulated and tested plant-based kinds of pasta made from jute (saluyot), chickpeas (garbanzos), almonds, tomatoes, bitter melon (ampalaya), and so much more! They also have vegan pastas for babies and keto pastas, and let me reiterate, no other Filipino brands are offering these products right now but the The Ruby Pantry. How cool is that? Today, Ruby still manages a big team as an AVP in one of the world's leading banks while operating her business with flying colors. Talk about women's power! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Now, onto the review!

The first one I tried was the almond keto spaghetti. I wanted to retain the pasta's original flavor, so I just sautΓ©ed some garlic and Joaquin's gourmet tuyo for the sauce and enveloped it on the cooked pasta. The end-product, simply delicious! Do you know that feeling when you're not guilty even if you've eaten a bit more than your regular consumption? That's what I've felt when I ate it because I know it's low in carbohydrates. The taste of almonds manifests but not too overwhelming, which means that you know it's there, yet it also allowed you to enjoy the sauce and look at its beauty. The consistency was pretty soft for my liking, but it's maybe because I overcooked it, lol! πŸ˜‚

The next one I tried was the all-veggies semolina pasta fusilli, made from malunggay, red bell pepper, carrots, and turmeric. First, let me mention that it was so colorful because of the natural colors of its ingredients. There were greens, reds, oranges, and yellows in the packet. Almost like the colors of the rainbows.

Again, to check its natural taste, I only added some homemade cheese sauce to it, and voila! The healthiest and prettiest pasta dish in the world was created. My taste buds were confused when I took a spoonful with all the flavors in it. So, I tried them one by one, and it was a delightful experience, like eating real veggies in pasta form. So, yes, I liked it, too. But again, I overcooked it, lol! 😁

Then, the chickpea or garbanzos maccheroni was next. I used the same cheese sauce I used for the fusilli since I still have some left from the last time. This time, I made sure it was al-dente, but it became a little too chewy for me. My fault! 😏 I should have cooked it a little longer, but I was afraid I might overcook it again. But this review is all about its taste, so, yes, it passed my scrutiny. The chickpea flavor is not overpowering, although you might get a bit of bitter aftertaste. But that’s the true nature of garbanzos if you eat it on its own.

Finally, I tried the semolina pasta fusilli for babies made from butternut squash, red bell pepper, malunggay, and tomatoes. I only got to cook it yesterday when the baby of our family visited us. This time, I had to be a little more creative with the sauce since our baby’s favorite is carbonara.

Although it tasted more of the creamy sauce, we were confident that she was eating healthy food. Oh! How much she loved it, and this time, I finally perfected the consistency of pasta. It was al-dente in the real sense of the word. Of course, I tasted it, too. 😍

I am yet to try the rest of the products she sent me, but at this point, I’m already convinced that The Ruby Pantry vegan pasta products are all you need for a healthy diet. I tested my blood sugar level after each type of pasta I cooked, and it didn’t shoot up. Something that usually happens when I eat a little too much of the ordinary pasta. So, my verdict, it’s a must-try if you want to shift to healthy eating, diabetic or not.

You can place your order directly at the following channels:

The Ruby Pantry Website

The Ruby Pantry Facebook

The Ruby Pantry Instagram

The Ruby Pantry Shopee

The Ruby Pantry Lazada

 Disclaimer: This is not a paid advertisement. My reviews are unbiased and based on my own experience. If I didn’t find anything negative about the product, it’s because there wasn’t any.

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