Momi Lani's Chorizo de Cebu - The Sweet and Spicy Balls of Deliciousness


The Philippines is not very famous for its sausages. Foodies from all over the world will easily tell you that the best sausages are in Europe, and I couldn’t agree more. When I was still working on a cruise ship ages ago, I used to get off just to buy some of those delectable sausages in Oslo (Norway), St. Malo (France), and Cagliari (Italy). They are dense, juicy, and simply delicious. But those were the days, and that’s a story for another day.

Or maybe not.

For someone who had already tasted some of the best sausages out there (modesty aside) 😁, you'll tend to find something equally delicious in your own country. If not of the same taste, quality, and texture, it should be satisfying enough, to say the least. Of course, our local sausages are called longganisa, and we have some popular types that I've already tasted – Vigan, Alaminos, Lucban, Tuguegarao, and more.

All carry the name of the province they are made from and comes with the word "longganisa." But there's one that doesn't - Chorizo de Cebu. Sounds like high-end Spanish sausages, huh? It's also the one I haven't tried before. But nah! It's not Spanish, and it's not high-end, like high-end, high-end. It's a type of longganisa original of Cebu, as the name suggests, and it’s available for the masses, too. 😊

But I was initially skeptical about trying it because talks have it that there are some fake versions outside Cebu. It's a good thing I discovered Momi Lani's Chorizo de Cebu in Shopee. I asked the seller, Momi Lani, herself (who happened to be my former co-manager) if it's authentic. With her credibility, I believed her when she said yes; it's really made in Cebu. 

The first thing that caught my attention when they arrived was how cute they were 😍. True to what I’ve read about it, they are adorable, cute little red balls, just a little bigger than the size of a jackstone ball. Much as I just wanted to look at them, I had to do what I had to do. I immediately cooked some of them as nachos dip. Oh! Did I mention they are pretty versatile local sausages? Well, yes, they are.

Anyway, to make the dip, I had to mash them to return them to their original ground pork form and cooked them with my homemade cheese sauce! Perfect! Ahm, actually, the cheese sauce made the dip a little too salty 😜. But the chorizo was absolutely delicious! Although, mixing it with other ingredients didn’t quite satisfy me for the review I wanted to do.

So, the following day, I cooked one pack the original way. I boiled them with some water and a drop of cooking oil. That was when I was able to appreciate its taste entirely. Without anything else added, the flavor of those tiny sausages came out. I never thought I would like its sweet, somewhat spicy, and savory taste.

As most of us probably know, European sausages are never sweet, so I never imagined myself enjoying a local sausage that sweet, but I did!  The hint of garlic and anise enhanced the flavor even more. I honestly never liked the other local sausages I’ve mentioned above. Some of them are a little too tough for me or a little too salty. But I’ve liked this one almost instantly! Just the right blend of sweetness, saltiness, tanginess, and it was so tender! 😍

An even better deal is that if you buy 500-peso worth of them from Shopee, you’ll have free shipping, Nice, huh? And trust me, it’s not easy finding authentic Chorizo de Cebu these days, so be careful. It would be much better to order from Momi Lani directly to ensure that they are legit and originally made in Cebu. 

Place your orders directly to the following channels:

Momi Lani's Chorizo de Cebu on Shopee

Momi Lani's Chorizo de Cebu on Instagram

Momi Lani's Chorizo de Cebu on Caroussel

Disclaimer: This is not a paid advertisement. My reviews are unbiased and based on my own experience. If I didn’t find anything negative about the product, it’s because there wasn’t any.

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